Friday, February 26, 2010

Why I love technology...

... in school, that is.

For example: right now I'm in my second hour Anatomy class. (Don't worry, Mr. Ludwig's not here. And the sub's doing an excellent job of babysitting us.) But, thats not really the point. I have my own little laptop everyday in class, because everything is so centered on technology. It really comes in handy for taking notes, doing virtual labs, and checking out the news.

(Not to mention facebook and gossip blogs. Hehe)

We even take our tests online! (Which our whole class thoroughly enjoys, on account of the lack of hand cramps.)

I think laptops in the classroom are a great addition to the high school experience. Yes, at times it can be tempting to focus on our instructor instead of the always interesting social networking, but I think it teaches us a lesson in self-control. Eventually, we're going to have this technology dilemma again - when we enter the workplace. So, we might as well learn sooner rather than later.

Thats my piece this morning :)


Stephanie Brown said...

I love how you completely singled out Mr. Ludwig and how he watches what your doing on your computer from his computer! I do agree with no more hand cramps when it comes to tests and plain virtual labs... That is a blessing. Do you think that in the future there will be lap tops used in every class?

DarlingAriana said...

You know what I would really love? I would really love it if we could get those cool iTouches that Patrash, Ludwig, and Miller have! Now THAT would be cool! I love our little laptops, but I hate taking notes on them. I'm faster at typing but I have serious trouble remembering what the heck I just typed. Then I do bad on the tests and then I'm cranky. It's no good I tell you!

Kelly Jo said...

You should check out a FRONTLINE PBS presentation that was on about three weeks ago. It was all about tech in the classroom - college classrooms. Is your generation really good at multi-tasking? Do you learn and think better?

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