Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Short History of Nail Polish. Which I Find Very Amusing.

As I was in the shower this evening, a thought came to me. (By the way, don't you love how that works?) Anyway, I happened to gaze down at my fingers, notice that my nails were much too long, and then start chipping away at my polish.
And then, quite suddenly, the big thought came to me:

Where did nail polish come from?

So, I took my frantic curiousity to wikipedia. And the nice folks there set me straight.

Apparantly, some sort of nail dye has been around forever. The Chinese, Ancient Egyptians, and even Incas all painted their nails. Here's a fun fact; apparantly Queen Nerfertiti had her finger and toe nails dyed a deep ruby red. In most ancient cultures, a deep red jewel tone was reserved for the royals. Everyone else had to use lighter and more pastel tones.

That little tidbit is quite a boost to my ego, seeing as my toe nails are painted fire-engine-red at the moment.

So there it is, a short history of nail polish. Those of you who are ridiculously curious will find this silly and interesting. The rest of you will just think I'm weird :)

By the way, I hate when this happens


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