Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Essay Update...Plus Inspiration!

So, I decided on a topic! (My grandma won. We'll pretend it was a close race.) I just finished the rough draft a bit ago, and I'm pretty pleased with it. Minus the fact that it needs some major organizational help.

Plus, its centered around a table. Which may come across as brilliant and interesting or just plain random and confusing. I'm crossing my fingers for brilliant.

That bit of background brings me to the actual topic of this blog. It's one of those magical "teach you an actual lesson" kind of stories, and I'm really exctied to share it with you. (By the way classmates, if you had first or second grade with me then you might remember this grandma. She used to come and read to us.)

My grandma has always been a teacher. (As a matter of fact, she was my pre-school in its entirety. And I could read before kindegarten so that tells you something about her skills. Hehe) During the last years of her actual teaching career, her rhuematoid arthritis was getting nearly unbearable. I remember her telling me she would go in everyday at least an hour in advance to put her lessons on the board. Because writing was so painful, she went very slowly. At her lunch break, she would go and get her lunch, then bring it back to her room. She said she quit eating with the teachers because she was so depressed. My grandma would eat, then simply sit at her desk and cry because she knew she would have to stop teaching so much sooner than she wanted to.
Eventually, my grandma retired from teaching after 32 years. She says her red-headed and stubborn nature is what caused her to keep teaching those last two years. The rest of the family has always attributed it to her true passion for teaching.

Thats the story that taught me an extremely important lesson: never stop doing what you love. My grandma has always been a teacher. She never actually "retired" in my book. :)

(She didn't know I was taking this picture. It's one of my favorites.)


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