Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Strange New Liking for Bach?

Check out this crazy man on an organ.

(And I mean organ like the instrument. The guy's not hopping up and down on a kidney or something of that sort. Because that would be ridiculous :P )

A little backstory on this crazy clip. I have a Music Appreciation class at the college every Tuesday night. (It's three hours of my life I'd rather spend elsewhere, but that's an entirely different story.) So far, we have studied music from the begining of recorded time to the Classical period. That little gem by Johann Sebastion Bach is from the Baroque period, and I've strangely become facisnated with it.

My relationship with this song (Fugue in G minor, if you were wondering) started out rocky. I was being forced to study it so I would be able to recognize it on the test. (And if you know me, I really despise being forced to do anything. I generally whine. A lot.) Slowly, our relationship grew from "I don't hate it but I'm not enjoying it" to "I must watch it performed on youtube for the seventh time."

Weird, I know. I'm continually enthralled by this crazy man and his amazing skill. So, I figured I'd share it with you. Because I think its really interesting. But that might just be the gigantic nerd in me talking.


Kelly Jo said...

I would love to be in that church to not only hear it but feel that organ. Thank you for finding something wonderful in your Music App class and sharing it with me.

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