Friday, February 12, 2010

Anybody else like Legos? Hehe

Lego Jesus

Adam and Eve Legos

 X-Men Legos

(This is for you Mrs. Smith) - Lego Hamlet

Serious question classmates: Who doesn't love Legos?

These adorable little blocks bring joy and nuture creativity for millions of kids today. (Remember when we were those little kids? Aww.) And, as these pictures show, Lego's aren't neccessarily for kids anymore.

How cool are these scenes?! (Google Lego scenes if you want to see some more)

Thank you Danish people! Some cool facts:
1. The Legos we know and love were first created in 1949
2. Lego blocks from 1958 will fit together with any blocks made today
3. Lego is the combination of two Danish words leg godt - which means "lets play" (Those Danish people are smart!)

So, I just figured I'd fill you all in the weird stuff about Legos. Because I love me some Legos :D

(And, to all of you who have never experienced the joy of Lego's - I'm sorry. My Lego's were hand-me-downs from my brothers. And probably the only decent ones I ever recieved.)


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