Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Stress in a Prom Dress (& Thunderstorms)

Thankfully, my kind English teacher has released some of my restrictions on these blogs. Henceforth, they are now about whatever I feel like.

Thunderstorms: I just listened to the 3rd interrupting thunderstorm warning tonight. My little brother is very frustrated that his TV viewing is being interrupted, especially by the national weather service. I will be frustrated if this thunderstorm ends up being a nasty one and destroys all the blooms on my pretty flower tree that I plan to take prom pictures in front of on Saturday. Alas, prom is another subject entirely.

Thunderstorms. I have always loved thunderstorms. They're loud, exciting, and unpredictable. And they have often freed me from many a dull afternoon at work/softball practice. To me, they scream that summer is on its way here. Which in turn makes me restless and resent the fact that I'm stuck in a classroom with no windows all day, but I digress.

Prom, prom, prom. And stress. I'm convinced the two are related. Prom commitee is time consuming, which is frustrating because I have all these other items that require my attention, hence the stress. But in turn, my stress is amplifying my excitement for prom. A girl's just gotta have fun sometimes.

And I've decided, after prom, I'm going to organize my life. And quit procrastinating with all these huge projects I have due by the end of the school year. At least that's what I keep telling myself ;)


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