Friday, April 23, 2010

Ridiculous Music

Once upon a time, Hailes discovered that she needed to take a couple Humanities courses to finish up her associates degree. Upon perusing the list of said Humanities classes, she thought to herself, "Music Appreciation sounds like an easy A. I'll take that." And, one semester later, Hailes is studying for her final. She is rather upset about the music selections on aforementioned final. One of them is very scary. Another is made up entirely of people clapping, and she thinks this is a complete and utter joke.

Hailes does not like scary music, clapping music, music made up of backwards cat screeches, or Gregorian chanting. In reality, Hailes does not like her Music Appreciation class. But she tries.

Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima (Krystoff Penderecki) is frightening. This is probably why it was used in "The Shining" and "Children of Men" Hailes does not like either of these scary movies.

Clapping Music by Steve Reich is annoying. Hailes does not enjoy this piece of music. It evokes no emotion from her. Probably because it sounds like calculus or some other terrible math equation.

Poeme Electronique by Edgar Varese took a ton of time and effort to create with the recording techniques and sound production Edgar Varese had back in the day. But, Hailes still hates it.

(My blog has just killed three birds with one stone: finishing ENG assignment, studying for Music Appreciation, and relieving me of my need to occasionally write in 3rd person. Have a lovely weekend everyone!)


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