Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Moody Blog: You've Been Forewarned

Daniel Merriweather - Red

Kiddoes, you really need to watch the video before you read this. It's kinda what this mess is going to be about.

It seems to have been a week full of relationship problems for the girls and I. (Definition of "The Girls" - basically the other wicked cool females that vent together in my womens fitness class after some good Habs butt kicking workout/nice yoga.) We've been having some ups and downs with our significant others, to say the least.

After a particularly messy two days with TP, I caught the end of this video on my way to school in the morning. And then it did one of those annoying stay-in-my-brain-all-day-long kinda things. So when I got home, I checked it out. It described my mood perfectly.

Sometimes, problems just come out of nowhere. With long distance, long days, minimal patience and hormones, we girlies often create this problems. (BUT, the boys are guilty of this too. Alas, thats a whole different blog.)

Somebody smart once said "every moment you spend upset you waste 60 seconds of happiness." It's true. As much as I wanted to just stew in my fuss for a few more hours, I made myself play nice and make up. Fights are just a part of relationships. (An important part of relationships, at that.) You have to get through them and learn something.

So, what have I learned? I don't know quite how to put it, but it's somewhere along the lines of forgive and forget. And of course, I will take this little lesson back to the girls and share it while we're doing crunches for the 548th time :)

{By the way, I absolutely have to stick some video commentary on the bottom of this post. That earring is making me flashback to the 90's. Its a bit douchey. And somebody needs to get that girl a sandwich, ASAP! The poor thing is practically emaciated!}


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