Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Blog About Flowers

I think it's safe to say all girls like flowers in general. Personally, they usually drive my allergies nuts, but I appreciate their beauty. So, in honor of springtime, this blog will be about flowers, even though I am not the least bit horticulturally inclined. (In simpler terms, I have a black thumb. I get it from my mother. She killed Aloe Vera once. Thats supposed to be impossible.)

My abosolute favorite flowers on this planet would have to be tulips and lilies.

Gorgeous. And, they're both flowers that come from a bulb. I was always facisnated during the springtime at my grandmas house because her lilies would always appear out of nowhere. She explained the concept to me later, but I still think it's a bit magical.

Now, my absolute least liked flower: Roses. Of any color really.

They've always just seemed so terribly un-original to me! And they have thorns! What kind of message does send to prospective lovers?

Nevertheless, I'm pretty sure they are still the most popular flower in the world, and I really can't do anything to change that.

There is something I find more interesting than the delicate beauty of flowers themselves, and that is the victorian language of flowers.

Back in the day when relationships were subtle and private, lovers and friends sent flowers to each other to convey meanings. For example, a white rose means purity, a forget-me-not means rememberance, and so on and so forth.

Communicating with flowers is something so alien in our technology centered word. It required so much more thought and effort (& money!) than just sending somebody a text. Still, it's a facisnating movement.

By the way, I just found out my prom corsage (made of mostly white carnations) means disdain. Romantic, huh? Now I'm seeing the cons of this system :P


Amy Brecount White said...
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