Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cats Are Disgusting Animals: Dead or Alive

It's not a secret to most of you that I absolutely loathe cats. You can't trust them. If you die alone in your house, they will eat you. It would be funny if it wasn't true. And, to add insult to injury, they're scary as H-E-double hockey sticks. They have huge teeth, claws, those slanty little eyes - I'm scared just writing about them.
Plus, I'm on the verge of deathly allergic to those little beasts. Seriously, I can't touch the things. Touching = eyes swelling shut + asthma attack = sick for 3 days.

Now to the "dead" part of the title. Guess what my Anatomy and Physiology class started this week? (If you guessed 'Dissecting cats!' then you are correct-omundo.)

Yep, it's as disgusting as it sounds. Thankfully, our cats are mostly skinned. Mostly meaning that they still have hair on their faces, hands, and feet. It looks very silly/frightening. My group's cat has a long, gray, matted, formaldehyde soaked mess hanging on it's extremities. Gross, I know.

Today was Day 1 of cat dissection for my group. We didn't even want to take it out of the bag, but low and behold, by the end of the class period we were "teasing" the fatty connective tissue off of its body with forceps and scissors. (By the way, forceps are just really oversized tweezers. And I'll never thinking of teasing as a term used to describe adding volume to hair ever again.)

This cat is my A&P final. I better start getting cozy with the little dead guy if I want to pass. Wish me luck! (And a stronger stomach!)

(Our cat, who has yet to be named, looks a bit like this. I'll keep you updated.)


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