Friday, January 29, 2010

Poetry for a Lonely Evening


Neither quarrls,
nor miles,
can wash away love.
It has been deeply thought,
Solemnly raising index-lined verse,
I swear-
I love
immutably, truly!

Vladimir Mayakovsky (1922)
Spending the majority of your evening alone gives one time to think. This Friday, I'm thinking about my corndog boyfriend. (He's working this weekend, and therefore not coming to see me. So he's on the brain more than usual.)
I really like this poem. It's short, sweet, and to the point. (Just how this blog is going to turn out. Well, hopefully.) It is romantic, positive, and it definately applies to long term relationships. And I'm not just talking cheesey boyfriend/girlfriend stuff. This piece is versatile, and could defiantely be used to express love for families and close friends.
Overal, I think it's a message we should remember. Neither distance, arguments, or time can wash away a true love. And that is very inspiring to me. :)
P.S. If you hate sappy stories, stop reading here. If you're curious as to the reason why this poem means so much to me, read on. :) I've had it read aloud to me in both English and Russian. It was pretty adorable if I do say so myself.


Kelly Jo said...

Sometimes simple is best. I think when love simply comes it fulfills us more then love that is complicated. Should one have to work at love?

Anonymous said...

Very sweet :) True Love is absolutely the best love. You are a very lucky girl, Miss. Good for you :)

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