Monday, January 11, 2010

El Introduccion

^(aka the introduction, if anyones wondering. I'm practicing my newly acquired bits of Spanish)

Hello, person reading this. Either you are reading this by accident, or you are one of my English classmates required to read this. Nevertheless, hello hello. :)

The purpose of this blog is to entertain and inspire (as well as make my English grade happy.) Not exactly hard hitting journalism, but I'm aiming to simply spread some sunshine. I'll be posting funny things as well as other things I find that I feel the need to share. (All educated and refined things, mind you. Heh.)

I'll also be analyzing why I think aforementioned items are giggle worthy and/or interesting.

Basically, it'll be a fun blog. {Which, (compared to my previously cynical fusspot blogs) will be a refreshing change of pace.}

I'll leave you with this little gem



Kelly Jo said...

Knock knock
Who's there?
Toby who?
Toby or not to be-that is the question.

Tell me why our class get's the joke? :)

Shelly said...

I can't wait to continue reading your blog! It sounds like it will be spectacular. :) And I love the joke, Mrs. Smith!

Hailes said...

Our class gets the joke because we've had classic Shakespeare lovingly pounded into our skulls for the past three years! We're refined girls, who understand refined knock knock jokes. :)

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