Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Silly Something for Today

Look at this!
Barbie Dolls Dressed As Lady Gaga

Oh goodness, that was very entertaining for me. Why, you might ask?

Well, I happen to be a decent sized Lady Gaga fan. Her crazy antics fascinate me. Plus, she can sing the crap out of her stuff live. (I'm considering posting you a video of vintage Gaga, aka Stephani Germanotta, to proove my point.)

I get fiesty when people throw around phrases like "That's auto-tone singing, not her" and "I think she's a tranny." I have no patience for this. Sometimes, I snap. And drag said offenders to the nearest internet enable device to show them a different side of her.

Perhaps thats todays message, the fact that there is more than one side to everyone. People can be like onions, or peaches, or other foods with varying texture. People can even be like Lady Gaga; weird on the outside, sincere on the inside.

And, I'll leave you with the video I've been making references to for a good chunk of this blog. Enjoy!
Vintage Gaga


Caryn said...

Wow... i this totally changed my whole perspective of "Lady Ga Ga" lol. She is an amazing singer dang she has gotta voice!!! This has really taught me to keep my trap shut! I really judge a book by it's cover and i am working on that because it's totally not right to do so!!! So thank-you miss hailey you have taught me a lesson with a few words and a video ;)

miki said...

I do enjoy Lady Ga Ga but I don't like how the media brings any of these girls up to be. I love her music and uniqueness even in style, but call me old fashion I don't beleive successful girls like Lady Ga Ga or Rhianna need to be dressing like they should be on the street corner in Hollywood. There talent is beautiful but i don't think they need to go backwards to get ahead.

Hailes said...

Caryn - I'm glad to welcome to you to the good side :P

Mikella- I think they go around half nekkid because they like the attention. And people who are missing pants get lots of zany press coverage.

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