Friday, January 29, 2010

Food for thought?

Let's harvest the organs of death row inmates.

(By the way, watching that video is key to the understanding of the rest of this blog)

Well, while I was out searching for inspiration, I found that video. Now, it's not exactly funny or inspiring, but it is thought provoking. I'm really excited to see some opinions about it.

As for my opinion, I'm a fan of capital punishment. It's a value my parents and grandparents instilled in me very early on. "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction" said some very smart scientist who's name is slipping my mind right now. (Newton?)

The American justice system works decently. If you commit a crime, and are without a doubt convicted by a jury of your peers, you will go to jail. The severity of your crime dictates your time there, and whether or not you will ever make it out alive. (Don't get me started on how much money good American citizens pay in taxes to keep all the bad guys out of society. That is an entirely different blog.)

As this video suggests, it could be possible for death row innmates to save people with their organs. Imagine that. The idea had never crossed my mind. It's not half bad.

It's something to ponder. And, my apologies for this blog being completely un-funny and un-inspiring. I promise I'll make it up to you. I just really felt the urge to share this train of thought with you, my intelligent readers.



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