Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A spoonful of sugar for this evening?

"In ev'ry job that must be done
There is an element of fun
You find the fun and snap!
The job's a game" - Mary Poppins

(If you have any song from Mary Poppins stuck in your head right now, my job here is nearly done. Hah)

I put that lyric at the start of this blog because, sadly, it's begining to feel like a bit of a chore. BUT, listening to some vintage Disney gave me some inspiration. It reminded me of my love for all things vintage, which I am going to share with you. (And, hopefully, share some of this inspiration!)

The sheer fact that I have the Mary Poppins soundtrack on my iTunes should be a dead giveaway about my obsession with old music. (My library spans roughly 70 years. Not to brag or anything.) My passion for all things old extends to movies, art, people, and photographs. Which brings me to my next point. . .

I have found the most wicked awesome collection of old pictures EVER. Its from another blog, entitled "My Parent's Were Awesome." The contents of this blog are photos that span nearly a century, submitted by the child of a person or couple shown in the photo. It's mesmerizing.

There are happy couples, silly candids, and formal portraits; all showing someones parents just generally being awesome. Want the link? Here it is.

Go check it out. I'll wait.


Don't feel guilty if you've just spent half an hour looking at pictures of random strangers. It happens to me all the time :) Pretty sweet, eh? Leave me some comments if you like it.

And now ladies and gents, I bid you farewell. Until we meet again. . .



DarlingAriana said...

"I have found the most wicked awesome collection of old pictures EVER!"
Now that's just priceless my dear. If I had to explain to someone what you are like, that one line could possibly explain 3/4's of your personality. Yes, it's a good thing! All you would have to do to explain my personality is say "Eh...I'll do it tomorrow." and the next day say "Umm...maybe in a couple days."

Anyway, this blog is quite lovely, I'm loving your background, not to mention your Mary Poppins quote. That song was running through my mind the entire time I was reading this. Congradulations on a job well done dear.


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