Thursday, January 28, 2010

Words From the Blue Man

No life is a waste," the Blue Man said. "The only time we waste is the time we spend thinking we are alone."From "The Five People You Meet In Heaven" by Mitch Albom.
Let me tell you the story behind the beautiful quote. (You don't know how bad I wish I had actually written that!)
Some time last year, I stumbled across a teensie weensie book with a ferris wheel on the cover. I picked it up, read the title, and I was intrigued. So, instead of doing classwork for the rest of the day, I read that book. It sucked me in. It consumed me. No, I devoured it.
That afternoon, I had tears in my eyes. I had finished the book, and mysteriously recieved a new outlook on life and the connections we form with people. Like any moody teenager, I felt like I had accomplished nothing. At that time, I remember thinking something along the lines of "15 years on the planet, and nothing to show for it." That book showed me that maybe, just maybe, I had affected someone for the better and was completely unaware of it.
After further research, I discovered the author had written to book to show people (like little 15 year old me) that even though they felt unimportant, they would eventually realized how much they mattered and were loved.
We should shout that mantra from the rooftops.
(I don't know about you, but I'm feeling very uplifted and inspired at the moment. Mission accomplished!)
Until tomorrow - XOhailes


DarlingAriana said...

Let me just start off with, goodness gracious woman you are TOO good at blogging, it's sort of scary. Secondly, that made my brain think "Awwww..." and then, "What the heck have I been doing for the last 16 years of my life?". I think I need to go to the library and check out that book, maybe we could read it on Mondays in Pride Team instead of Oprah's boyfriend's book. Wouldn't that be a breath of fresh air!

Either way, it's neat that you had a "deep" blog amongst your silliness. Brava!


Stephanie Brown said...

I love the moments in life when you come to a positive realization and it makes your day complete! Being able to view the world in a complete different way is something that I believe is hard to just go out and do. You have to have the proper motivation. A little push here and a little shove there and then maybe you'll be on your way to a better you! Even a simple phrase such as the one you referred your entire blog to, can change a person's heart... Obviously :) I really enjoy reading your blogs! There are fun, positive, and outgoing!

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