Friday, January 29, 2010

Poetry for a Lonely Evening


Neither quarrls,
nor miles,
can wash away love.
It has been deeply thought,
Solemnly raising index-lined verse,
I swear-
I love
immutably, truly!

Vladimir Mayakovsky (1922)
Spending the majority of your evening alone gives one time to think. This Friday, I'm thinking about my corndog boyfriend. (He's working this weekend, and therefore not coming to see me. So he's on the brain more than usual.)
I really like this poem. It's short, sweet, and to the point. (Just how this blog is going to turn out. Well, hopefully.) It is romantic, positive, and it definately applies to long term relationships. And I'm not just talking cheesey boyfriend/girlfriend stuff. This piece is versatile, and could defiantely be used to express love for families and close friends.
Overal, I think it's a message we should remember. Neither distance, arguments, or time can wash away a true love. And that is very inspiring to me. :)
P.S. If you hate sappy stories, stop reading here. If you're curious as to the reason why this poem means so much to me, read on. :) I've had it read aloud to me in both English and Russian. It was pretty adorable if I do say so myself.

Food for thought?

Let's harvest the organs of death row inmates.

(By the way, watching that video is key to the understanding of the rest of this blog)

Well, while I was out searching for inspiration, I found that video. Now, it's not exactly funny or inspiring, but it is thought provoking. I'm really excited to see some opinions about it.

As for my opinion, I'm a fan of capital punishment. It's a value my parents and grandparents instilled in me very early on. "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction" said some very smart scientist who's name is slipping my mind right now. (Newton?)

The American justice system works decently. If you commit a crime, and are without a doubt convicted by a jury of your peers, you will go to jail. The severity of your crime dictates your time there, and whether or not you will ever make it out alive. (Don't get me started on how much money good American citizens pay in taxes to keep all the bad guys out of society. That is an entirely different blog.)

As this video suggests, it could be possible for death row innmates to save people with their organs. Imagine that. The idea had never crossed my mind. It's not half bad.

It's something to ponder. And, my apologies for this blog being completely un-funny and un-inspiring. I promise I'll make it up to you. I just really felt the urge to share this train of thought with you, my intelligent readers.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Words From the Blue Man

No life is a waste," the Blue Man said. "The only time we waste is the time we spend thinking we are alone."From "The Five People You Meet In Heaven" by Mitch Albom.
Let me tell you the story behind the beautiful quote. (You don't know how bad I wish I had actually written that!)
Some time last year, I stumbled across a teensie weensie book with a ferris wheel on the cover. I picked it up, read the title, and I was intrigued. So, instead of doing classwork for the rest of the day, I read that book. It sucked me in. It consumed me. No, I devoured it.
That afternoon, I had tears in my eyes. I had finished the book, and mysteriously recieved a new outlook on life and the connections we form with people. Like any moody teenager, I felt like I had accomplished nothing. At that time, I remember thinking something along the lines of "15 years on the planet, and nothing to show for it." That book showed me that maybe, just maybe, I had affected someone for the better and was completely unaware of it.
After further research, I discovered the author had written to book to show people (like little 15 year old me) that even though they felt unimportant, they would eventually realized how much they mattered and were loved.
We should shout that mantra from the rooftops.
(I don't know about you, but I'm feeling very uplifted and inspired at the moment. Mission accomplished!)
Until tomorrow - XOhailes

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A spoonful of sugar for this evening?

"In ev'ry job that must be done
There is an element of fun
You find the fun and snap!
The job's a game" - Mary Poppins

(If you have any song from Mary Poppins stuck in your head right now, my job here is nearly done. Hah)

I put that lyric at the start of this blog because, sadly, it's begining to feel like a bit of a chore. BUT, listening to some vintage Disney gave me some inspiration. It reminded me of my love for all things vintage, which I am going to share with you. (And, hopefully, share some of this inspiration!)

The sheer fact that I have the Mary Poppins soundtrack on my iTunes should be a dead giveaway about my obsession with old music. (My library spans roughly 70 years. Not to brag or anything.) My passion for all things old extends to movies, art, people, and photographs. Which brings me to my next point. . .

I have found the most wicked awesome collection of old pictures EVER. Its from another blog, entitled "My Parent's Were Awesome." The contents of this blog are photos that span nearly a century, submitted by the child of a person or couple shown in the photo. It's mesmerizing.

There are happy couples, silly candids, and formal portraits; all showing someones parents just generally being awesome. Want the link? Here it is.

Go check it out. I'll wait.


Don't feel guilty if you've just spent half an hour looking at pictures of random strangers. It happens to me all the time :) Pretty sweet, eh? Leave me some comments if you like it.

And now ladies and gents, I bid you farewell. Until we meet again. . .


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Silly Something for Today

Look at this!
Barbie Dolls Dressed As Lady Gaga

Oh goodness, that was very entertaining for me. Why, you might ask?

Well, I happen to be a decent sized Lady Gaga fan. Her crazy antics fascinate me. Plus, she can sing the crap out of her stuff live. (I'm considering posting you a video of vintage Gaga, aka Stephani Germanotta, to proove my point.)

I get fiesty when people throw around phrases like "That's auto-tone singing, not her" and "I think she's a tranny." I have no patience for this. Sometimes, I snap. And drag said offenders to the nearest internet enable device to show them a different side of her.

Perhaps thats todays message, the fact that there is more than one side to everyone. People can be like onions, or peaches, or other foods with varying texture. People can even be like Lady Gaga; weird on the outside, sincere on the inside.

And, I'll leave you with the video I've been making references to for a good chunk of this blog. Enjoy!
Vintage Gaga

Monday, January 11, 2010

El Introduccion

^(aka the introduction, if anyones wondering. I'm practicing my newly acquired bits of Spanish)

Hello, person reading this. Either you are reading this by accident, or you are one of my English classmates required to read this. Nevertheless, hello hello. :)

The purpose of this blog is to entertain and inspire (as well as make my English grade happy.) Not exactly hard hitting journalism, but I'm aiming to simply spread some sunshine. I'll be posting funny things as well as other things I find that I feel the need to share. (All educated and refined things, mind you. Heh.)

I'll also be analyzing why I think aforementioned items are giggle worthy and/or interesting.

Basically, it'll be a fun blog. {Which, (compared to my previously cynical fusspot blogs) will be a refreshing change of pace.}

I'll leave you with this little gem
